Back to school reminders

Reminder: Check in with yourself as you are transitioning back into the school year!

What am I feeling? It is important to name the emotion you are feeling in order to understand and cope with it. Try looking at an emotion wheel if you are having a difficult time naming what you are feeling!

Are you getting enough sleep? It is important to recharge and give your body and mind the correct amount of rest. Try practicing healthy sleep habits like turning off devices and initiating a “bedtime routine”!

Am I nourishing myself? Keeping your body nourished is a great way to increase brain function and productivity throughout the day. Try meal prepping and eating healthy snacks throughout the day!

Have I spent time outside? Getting some fresh air and vitamin D is a great way to reset and reconnect. Take a 10 minute walk during your lunch break or after dinner!

Am I drinking enough water? Keeping hydrated is imperative to body and mind functioning. Try to drink 8 bottles of water per day!

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